Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Don't get tripped up!

Cable Management and protection

Floor cable protector

There are many aspects and points to consider in the pursuit of maintaining of good health and safety standards in the workplace or home environment.

The more technology that hits the shelves, the more electronic equipment we, as consumers are seeming to have in our homes. What comes with electronic equipment?....wires, and lots of them. Add to that the need for a much greater need for cable management systems in office environments and it is easy to see that the future demand for this type of product is going to remain strong.

So, what are the different types?

Cable protectors come in a number of different shapes and sizes, depending on the job they’re intended for.

There are light-weight types that simply tuck cables away and keep them away and can take the weight of people standing on them. This is the type that most of us will have seen and used at the office or bought to tidy pc, dvd and telephone cables at home.

There are also much heavy-duty variants that can be used in industrial settings that can be strong enough to take heavy traffic with no damage to the cables inside.

outdoor rubber cable protector


Cable management systems also come in a variety of bright ‘visible’ colourings to make people away of the hazard. Although it may not seem like some of the cable protectors you might see are particularly high off the ground, they do still represent a trip hazard and these colourings make them more obvious and more safe.

Protecting cables

Something that we haven’t spoken about is the cables themselves. Aptly-named cable protectors not only protect us, but keep the cables themselves intact. Trip over a wire attached to a PC and you may not hurt yourself, but you might do serious damage to the PC.

Cable management protectors are something of a silent hero, the benefit of which you might not fully appreciate until you need them. Trip over a wire and hurt yourself as a result of not having any protectors in place and you might wish you’d sorted it sooner.

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